Monday, April 11, 2011

This nine weeks we are learning...

Can you belive it's the last nine weeks your little one has in kindergarten? Wow!! They have grown so much. This nine weeks we have lots to learn so please sure they are at school everyday. Reading SKILL 1: Names letters (capital and lower case) 1a: Needs practice writing letters correctly SKILL 2: Uses phonics and decoding skills to recognize letter sounds SKILL 3: Reads sight words without hesitation: (here, have, to, a, it, me, I, the, and, is, in, can, at, am, he, my, like, an, go, do, no, come, see, so, up, we, you,) SKILL 4: Reads B3 books independently SKILL 5: Listens attentively to a story and gives reactions to the book SKILL 6: Uses picture clues to orally express predictions about a story SKILL 7: Uses reading strategies effectively (use picture clues, make predictions, point to the words, stretch the word, does it make sense?) Writing SKILL 8: Writing shows evidence of spacing SKILL 9: Writing shows use of high frequency words SKILL 10: Creates text that an adult can decipher (readable phonetic spelling) SKILL 11: Reads own writing SKILL 12: Working toward the elements of the functional writing standard (give directions and label objects and places) SKILL 13: Working toward the elements of the persuasive writing standard ( develops and demonstrates writing that is used for the purpose of influencing the reader) SKILL 14: Speaks to adults in complete sentences(this includes statements and responses) Math SKILL 1: Names numbers 0-20 SKILL 2: Places numbers in order 0-20 SKILL 3: Matches numerals with groups of objects 0-20 SKILL 4: Writes numbers 0-20 in correct form SKILL 5: Counts up to 20 objects SKILL 6: Understands basic addition and solves problems using manipulatives and pictures SKILL 7: Understands basic subtraction and solves problems using manipulatives and pictures SKILL 8: Demonstrates problem solving (problems involving sets by counting, by using cardinal and ordinal numbers, by comparing, by ordering, and by creating sets up to 20 ) Science/Social Studies SKILL 1: Explain what real plants and animals need to stay alive SKILL 2: Describe how plants and animals are alike and different SKILL 3: Describe how animals and plants grow and change SKILL 4: Identifies U.S. symbols (flag, Bald Eagle, Statue of Liberty)

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