Monday, October 11, 2010

We had a special visitor today!!!

This week in health, we are learning about fire safety and emergency situations. We were very lucky to have Mr. Stolpman come by and talk to us today about what he does at his job. Mr. Stolpman is an EMT/Paramedic going through the fire academy. He was very excited to talk about fire safety and emergency situations with our class.

We learned that an EMT rides in the ambulance when people are sick or hurt. Mr. Stolpman taught our class when we should call 911 and when we shouldn't call 911. You should call 911 if a fire gets started not if you fall and get sand on your knee at recess. He also taught us that we should learn our address and phone number as soon as we can. Does your child know their address or phone number yet?

Mr. Stolpman helps about 30 people a day. Sometimes he has to drive from Jacksonville to Lakeland to take a sick person to a special hospital. He even has to work 24 hour shifts. I'm am very proud of our class for being on their best behavior and asking so many questions. What curious friends we have!

We had some very brave friends let Mr. Stolpman take their blood pressure and listen to their heart beat. Isaiah even got to hear Ms. Hawas' heartbeat. Ask your child what their favorite part about Mr. Stolpman coming was.

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