Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!! I hope all of you are blessed with happiness. I look forward to seeing all of you again soon. Students return back to school on January 3, 2011. Make sure your little one is prepared to learn. Wiggle those brains, put on those reading glasses, and tune up those listening ears. The second nine weeks is almost over and we still have so much to learn.

Feel free to share what you and your little one did over the break!!! Can't wait to hear from you.

Polar Express Day

Polar Express Day was December 17, 2010. What did we do on Polar Express Day? Students wore their pajamas to school and were given a ticket before entering the classroom. As students walked in the door, Ms. Hawas punched their ticket. They were then given hot chocolate and asked to take a seat on our imaginary train. They sure were shocked when they saw their stockings filled from Santa Claus. Students then stretched out on the carpet and watched the movie,
The Polar Express, with their class. After the movie, students had a pizza party. We then went into three different centers. We put together a reindeer out of popsicle sticks, decorated gingerbread cookies, and made a scene using a train cut out. It was such a fun day and it couldn't have happened without the support from all of you.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Lunch with Ms. Hawas

Students are able to earn coupons in class for excellent behavior. They are able to pick between eating lunch with the teacher, getting a piece of candy, or picking from the treasure box. Below are our first friends who earned a coupon and ate lunch with Ms. Hawas. Keep up the great behavior!!

Social Studies

In Social Studies, students are learning vocabulary words from three different holidays. The holidays we are learning about are Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas.

Hanukkah vocabulary words: menorah, gelt, latkas, dreidle, family
Kwanzaa vocabulary words: Mkekah, Bendara, Kinara, presents, family
Christmas vocabulary words: Santa Claus, Christmas tree, ornament, family, presents

Saturday, December 4, 2010


In science, our little scientist recently learned how to change the shape of materials. Each student was given a piece of paper and aluminum paper. Before changing the shape of the paper and aluminum paper, they were asked to describe how they can change the shape of these items. After students observed and described their materials, they charted their explanations. Students learned that you can change the shape of materials by crumbling, folding, cutting, tearing, and bending.

Santa's Workshop

Santa's Workshop will be open December 6-10. Students that bring in money will be sent to buy a present for whoever was named on the envelope that was provided. A member of the PTA will be helping the students to budget their money as well as pick out gifts appropriate for a certain somebody. Below are some of the items available for students to purchase. Feel free to come to school and preview Room 18.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

December Performance

Wow!! Our class was amazing. I hope you made it out to our performance. I am so proud of our class for singing loud and acting out their movements. Way to go Ms. Hawas' class. Thank you parents for coming and supporting your child and their friends. :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving celebration in class

This week students learned about Thanksgiving traditions and Native American symbols.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Kindergarten Performance

December 2nd is fastly approaching!!! We will be performing with four other kindergarten classes at 7 pm on Thursday, December 2nd. Our class will be singing "Frosty the Snowman" as well as four other songs.

The other songs we will be learning are:
1."Feliz Navidad"
2."Jingle Bell Rock"
3."Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer"

Please practice these songs with your child so that they will not be nervous on stage.

Our class is learning small hand movements to go with Frosty the Snowman to make it extra special. They are very easy so please do not worry!

Lyrics for "Frosty the Snowman" are posted below. I tried to post the video of the hand movements but for some reason it will not upload. I will put in parenthesis the movements next to the lyrics. I found a much easier to sing version of "Frosty the Snowman" that I will be practicing with our class.

Frosty the Snowman
Was a jolly happy soul
With a corncob pipe and a button nose(point to nose)
And two eyes made out of coal(point to both eyes)

Frosty the Snowman
Is a fairytale they say(shrug shoulders and put hands up as if saying "I don't know")
He was made of snow
But the children know
How he came to life one day(put one finger up in the air)

There must have been some magic(wave fingers in air)
In that old silk hat they found
For when they placed it on his head(place hand on head)
He began to dance around(turn around one time)

Frosty the Snowman
Was alive as he could be
And the children say
He could laugh and play
Just the same as you and me(point to audience then back to yourself)

Thumpety thump thump(bend down and tap knees for the whole verse)
Thumpety thump thump
Look at Frosty go
Thumpety thump thump
Thumpety thump thump
Over the hills of snow

Frosty the Snowman
Knew the sun was hot that day(wave hands by face as if you are trying to cool off)
So he said let's run
And we'll have some fun
Now before I melt away(shiver as if you are scared to melt)

Down to the village
With a broomstick in his hand(pretend like you are holding a broom)
Running here and there all around the square(make arms go back as if running)
Saying catch me if you can(wave goodbye)

He led them down the streets of town
Right to the traffic cop
And he only paused a moment when
He heard him holler stop(put your hand out as if to say "stop")

Frosty the Snowman
Had to hurry on his way
But he waved goodbye(wave goodbye)
Saying don't you cry (pretend like you're crying)
I'll be back again some day

Thumpety thump thump(bend down and tap knees for the whole verse)
Thumpety thump thump
Look at Frosty go
Thumpety thump thump
Thumpety thump thump
Over the hills of snow

If you have never heard Feliz Navidad, you can hear the lyrics by watching the video below. Starring Ms. Hawas...
Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Monday, November 8, 2010


Since we have such a short week, books will not be sent home on Monday. Thank you for being so understanding. Have a great week! :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This is what we are working on this nine weeks:


SKILL 1: Names letters (capital and lower case) *When you practice naming letters with your child do not practice the letters in order. This will help you to see if they really know the letters.

SKILL 2: Uses phonics and decoding skills to recognize letter sounds *Sing the letter sound song with your child, go on a sound hunt around the house to find certain sounds, and/or play sound BINGO.

SKILL 3: Identify pictures that begin with sounds made by: M, R, S, T, B, N, H, V *Draw pictures that start with the letters mentioned and ask your child what sound they start with. (Examples: mouse, rooster, seal, tiger, bear, noodles, hat, violin)

SKILL 4: Reads sight words without hesitation (I, see, a, the, can, you, we, my, like, to) *Remember that sight words are not supposed to be sounded out. They are heart words which mean they need to be known by heart. We practice every day by using one of the following methods: flash cards, making sentences, action signs, around the world games, BINGO, write sight words in shaving cream, use white boards, and/or whisper phones.

SKILL 5: Reads “short a” consonant-vowel-consonant words (examples: rat, mat, bat, hat)

SKILL 6: Discusses books with others (illustrations, opinions, predictions, characters, setting, cause and effect,) *While you are reading with your child every night ask them what they think of the book, what do you think will happen, who was in the story, what was the story about, were the characters inside or outside, etc.

SKILL 7: Draws/writes the beginning, middle, and end of story *Practice writing stories with your child. Tell them that they can write a story about our field trip but they need to tell you what they did in the beginning, middle, and end. You can also read a book with your child and ask them to respond to the literature.

SKILL8: Uses reading strategies effectively (use picture clues, make predictions, point to the words, stretch the word, does it make sense?)

SKILL 9: Speaks to adults in complete sentences (this includes statements and responses to adults) *Students are learning to speak in complete sentences. Make sure they are not answering you with one word answers but full sentences. When you ask a yes or no question...If your child says only yes or no try to extend their sentences by saying "yes you would like more" or "no you did not finish your food" etc...


SKILL 10: Uses inventive spelling which shows letter/sound correspondence *Students must learn to write using letter sounds. If your child writes using the beginning sounds of each word this is a positive step in the right direction. Students are learning that they need to stretch out words and write every sound they hear.

SKILL 11: Writes daily (pictures or words are done neatly and legibly) *Practice writing every day. If you go to the grocery store ask your child to help you write the grocery list. Thanksgiving is coming up and your child can write about what they are thankful for. Use a calendar and have your child practice writing the days of the week.

SKILL 12: Working toward meeting the elements of the Report Writing standard (gather, collect, and share information about a topic; maintain focus, stay on topic, and exclude extraneous information when prompted)


SKILL 1: Names numerals 0-15 *Use white boards, side walk chalk, shaving cream, and different colored markers to practice writing numbers. Anytime you see a number ask your child what number it is.

SKILL 2: Places numerals in order 0-15 *Make flash cards and ask your child to put the numbers in the correct order.

SKILL 3: Matches numerals with groups of objects 0-15

SKILL 4: Counts orally 1-20 *Count in different voices. I practice counting in high voices, low voices, silly voices, opera voices, etc. The students love being able to count in different voices.

SKILL 5: Uses attributes to sort a set of objects *Students need to know that they can sort objects by the same size, color, or shape. Practice using buttons, coins, shoes, shirts, etc.

SKILL 6: Recognizes and extends patterns *Draw a pattern for your child and ask them what comes next. Think about something that your child really loves such as a monster truck and say blue monster truck, green monster truck, blue monster truck, green monster truck....what comes next? This will keep them engaged since you are using a pattern with something that they like.

SKILL 7: Identifies units within a pattern *Students are learning the difference between AB and ABC patterns.

SKILL 8: Creates a pattern *Give your child three of two different color crayons each. Ask them to make a pattern. Red, Yellow, Red, Yellow, etc...

SKILL 9: Compares two or more quantities *Ask students what weighs more (a feather or a brick), what would hold more liquid (your hand or a milk jug), and/or what is hotter (boiling water or ice).

Skill 10: Uses sets of concrete objects to represent quantities

SKILL 11: Demonstrates an understanding of “more” and “less” *Use house hold items such as cups and put them in two different groups. Ask your child which group has more and which group has less.

As the nine weeks continue the skills get harder. Please practice these skills with your child at home. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at any time. I would love to help! :)

Field trip to Conner's A-Maize-ing Acres

What an amazing field trip we had. It took us an hour to get there but our class really enjoyed the scenery. When we arrived at the farm we had a special talk from the farmer in the barn. We rode on a cow train (even Ms. Hawas went on the train), went through a corn maze (it took us a while since some of the corn was knocked down), saw and pet some farm animals, and ate at the picnic tables together.

Thank you to all of our chaperons and parents. YOU are truly amazing! I'm so happy you were able to experience the "farm" life with us.

I would have to say this was the best field trip I have ever been on with a class. Ms. Gray, our principal, even made an announcement on the news about how wonderful all of the kindergarten classes were on the field trip. Wow! That is very impressive.

What was your child's favorite part of the field trip? Enjoy the pictures below.

What did you do this weekend?

This weekend I went to New York City to visit my brother. My dad met up with us and we had a great time together as a family. I would say it was a wonderful and busy weekend.

This is how much I love visiting NYC :)

I was super happy to see our class on Monday and hear all about what they did. What did you do? If you have any pictures you want me to share, you can email them to me and I will post them. Have a beautiful week!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fall Centers

To celebrate fall we had four different centers on Friday, October 29th. Students made a wreath using leaves, candy pattern bracelets, a spooky scene, a cup of worms, and helped me count all of the seeds in our Jack-O-Latern. We had so much fun but we couldn't have done it without all of you! Thank you parents for your donations. Our class truly enjoyed every minute of our Friday fun. :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Visit from Station 27

Wow! Today we had a surprise visit from fire station 27. I asked some fire fighters to come and talk to our class about fire safety. We were able to see a fire fighter put on all of their gear and felt how heavy their helmet is. Our class asked some amazing questions! The fire fighters even let our class go inside of their fire engine.

What does it mean to sort objects?

In math this nine weeks we are learning how to sort objects. We practiced sorting attribute blocks today by size, shape, and color. We found that we can put the blocks together in groups if they are all big, all small, all blue, all yellow, all red, all triangles, all circles, all squares, all rectangles, or all hexagons. I am so proud of everyone on their first day of learning how to sort objects. Want to help your child at home? Your child can practice sorting coins into groups by same coin, same color, same symbols, and same size.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Red Ribbon Week

Celebrating Red Ribbon Week at our school means we will teach our students to say no to drugs and stay healthy. We have a whole week of festivities to celebrate Red Ribbon Week.

"Red Day" Students wear red to stay drug free. Every student received a red ribbon.

"Go for the goal, be drug free" Students were able to support their favorite team on Wednesday. Ms. Hawas wore the colors of her favorite team, LSU. We had students wear Steelers, Gators, Athletics, Miami Heat, and Jacksonville Jaguars gear. Way to go Ms. Hawas' class for being part of a wonderful team.

"Give drugs the slip" On Tuesday, students were able to wear slippers to school to show that they will give drugs the slip.

We were very lucky to have the TGIF Navy band play music for us. They were amazing! Ms. Rieger, our art teacher, was brave enough to get on stage and play the tambourine with the band. Way to go!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

We had a special visitor today!!!

This week in health, we are learning about fire safety and emergency situations. We were very lucky to have Mr. Stolpman come by and talk to us today about what he does at his job. Mr. Stolpman is an EMT/Paramedic going through the fire academy. He was very excited to talk about fire safety and emergency situations with our class.

We learned that an EMT rides in the ambulance when people are sick or hurt. Mr. Stolpman taught our class when we should call 911 and when we shouldn't call 911. You should call 911 if a fire gets started not if you fall and get sand on your knee at recess. He also taught us that we should learn our address and phone number as soon as we can. Does your child know their address or phone number yet?

Mr. Stolpman helps about 30 people a day. Sometimes he has to drive from Jacksonville to Lakeland to take a sick person to a special hospital. He even has to work 24 hour shifts. I'm am very proud of our class for being on their best behavior and asking so many questions. What curious friends we have!

We had some very brave friends let Mr. Stolpman take their blood pressure and listen to their heart beat. Isaiah even got to hear Ms. Hawas' heartbeat. Ask your child what their favorite part about Mr. Stolpman coming was.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What did you do this weekend?

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. This weekend I was able to watch my favorite team, LSU beat the gators in Gainesville. Did any of you watch the game? Hopefully you were going for Ms. Hawas' team. :) It was an amazing game to be at with my family. What did you do this weekend? I would love to hear from you.

Our first field trip

October 7th our class went on our first field trip to see the play, The Three Little Pigs. We were even able to see some of the characters at the end of the play while we were eating. This field trip was a little short but we sure did have a blast. We danced to the hokey pokey, watched one the pigs dance to her classic music, saw the big bad wolf chase the pigs around the stage, ate lunch as a class, and had a great bus ride back to school. After talking to the class, the three top favorite parts of the field trip were riding on the bus, seeing the part where the big bad wolf blew down the first two houses, and watching the pigs dance. Thank you to Mr. Felton, Mrs. Gregory, Mrs. and Mr. Horman, Mrs. Hubbard, Mrs. Cornish, Mrs. Curry, and Mrs. Davis for chaperoning on our first field trip. We truly appreciate you and hope you had fun as well. Thank you to all parents for getting your students prepared for the field trip.

Our next field trip will be in November to a farm in Hillard. It is a far drive so we are talking to the bus driver to see if chaperons will be able to ride along. I will let you know as soon as I find out. Enjoy the pictures below!

What are students learning in PE?

Coach Brown-Smith is a wonderful person and we are so blessed to have her as our PE coach at Merrill Road Elementary. I was asked to join our class at the end of PE on Thursday watch our class in action. Wow! They are so brave and make quite an amazing team. Way to go Ms. Hawas' class!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Stages of Writing

1. Preliterate: Drawing
  • uses drawing to stand for writing
  • believes that drawings / writing is communication of a purposeful message
  • read their drawings as if there were writing on them
2. Preliterate: Scribbling
  • scribbles but intends it as writing
  • scribbling resembles writing
  • holds and uses pencil like an adult
3. Early Emergent: Letter-like forms
  • shapes in writing actually resemble letters
  • shapes are not actually letters
  • look like poorly formed letters, but are unique creations
4. Emergent: Random-letters or letter strings
  • uses letter sequences perhaps learned from his/her name
  • may write the same letters in many ways
  • long strings of letters in random order
5. Transitional: Writing via invented spelling
  • creates own spelling when conventional spelling is not known
  • one letter may represent an entire syllable
  • words may overlay
  • may not use proper spacing
  • as writing matures, more words are spelled conventionally
  • as writing matures, perhaps only one or two letters invented or omitted
6. Fluency: Conventional spelling
  • usually resembles adult writing

What did you do this weekend?

This weekend I went to my first Jags game and it was so much fun. I am truly a college football LSU fan but I thought I would give the Jags a chance. They beat the Colts. Wow!! What did you do this weekend or what fun activities do you and your family have coming up? I would love to hear from you.

Flag Raising

The first Friday of every month is Flag Raising. This means that students are able to say the pledge and school conduct pledge outside by the flag pole. It is such a wonderful sight to see the whole school saying the pledge together. This Friday we also had a parent play the saxophone for all of us. Wow! It was amazing and everyone was so excited. Feel free to join us for our Flag Raising anytime this year.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Something To Crow About

Happy Fall! Today in science we explored the five senses using a pumpkin seed. I loved seeing the expressions on our friends faces who tried a pumpkin seed for the first time today. Victoria said that a pumpkin seed LOOKS like an oval. Maddox said that a pumpkin seed TASTES salty. Camryn said that a pumpkin seed SMELLS like honey. Owen said that a pumpkin seed FEELS hard but also soft if you touch the top. Of course you can not hear a pumpkin seed unless you crack in half, drop it on the ground, or eat it. Wow! I am blown away by our amazing scientists. By our classroom you can see our wonderful work displayed on the FALL bulletin board. Come by and take a peek!

Next week I will post pictures and work from our wonderful Mathematicians, amazing Authors, and beautiful Illustrators.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Meet Tinkerbell and Tiger Lilly...

I love their expressions!!!

Today, our class had a surprise waiting for them when they returned to class. They were so excited when they saw that I bought two class pets (I am so not a gerbil type of person but it's a favorite class pet for kids). Our class pets are female gerbils named Tinkerbell (white) and Tiger Lilly (nutmeg) . Peter Pan is obviously one of my all time favorite Disney movies. The class was able to see the gerbils play on their spinning wheel, eat their food, and run in and out of their tubes. We have to remember not to be too loud because we don't want to scare them and make them hide. Feel free to come by and see our class pets in the morning when you drop off your child. I know they would love to show you. How exciting!!

Oh! Look at Tiger Lilly trying to show off by standing on two legs.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fun Friday :)

At the end of every Friday we have a dance party to let out all of our sillies and celebrate our time together. It is a great way to get the class moving and become more comfortable with each other. If a student gets GREEN the whole week then they are awarded with positive reinforcement. They may get a Popsicle, pick a prize from the treasure box, or eat lunch with the teacher next week. Remind your little one of the great reward they will get for staying on green the whole week. I know they can do it!

What is a book nook?

A book nook is a safe, quiet, distraction free, and enjoyable place for your child to read. It is a fun place because they get to pick the place they read all by themselves. In the classroom while students are independently reading they have a choice to sit on the carpet, on a stool, at my desk, at their desk, criss-cross on their table, etc. During independent reading time I am making sure they are reading the book the right way, pointing to words, looking at the pictures, and sounding out words. Does your child have a quiet book nook at home? If not, find a quiet space for them to read without any distractions. You will see how much they enjoy reading when they have their own place to read!

Monday, September 20, 2010

The 5 Senses

This week and next week our class is learning about the five senses. Of course everyone knows that you smell with your nose, touch with your fingers, taste with your tongue, see with your eyes, and hear with your ears but do you know how to observe each sense? WE DO! Today we practiced tasting, looking at, smelling, and touching a Cheez-it, orange slice, pretzel, cool whip, and chocolate chip cookie. Zuko learned that an orange is squishy. He said that he never realized how it felt before. Amadou learned that cool whip, although it looks gross and runny, actually tastes yummy and sweet. Cornelius reminded the class that when they draw their picture of the Cheez-it they really need to look at it closer and draw the rough edges around the whole Cheez-it. Wow! I am so impressed with everyone. Ask your child what they learned today in science? They are such a wonderful group of scientists to work with.

While you are cooking one night this week, ask your child what it looks like, smells like, feels like, hears like, and taste like. Remind them that you can hear the food when you eat it, slurp it up, or break it in half. Enjoy being a scientists with your little one.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

This is what we are working on this nine weeks:

*Name letters-capital and lower case: You can help your child learn their letters by letting them make the letters with play-doh, boiled spaghetti, yarn, in the sand, tracing your letters, or playing alphabet bingo.
*Recognize letter sounds: You can help your child learn their letter sounds by saying a letter and thinking of words that start with that letter together, ask them the learning letter sounds A to Z song that we sing in class, and visit
*Recognize/create words that rhyme: You can help your child learn rhyming words by pointing to body parts and thinking of words that rhyme with the body part (knee-free, nail-pail, head-bed, lip-dip, nose-pose), read a Dr. Seuss book and ask them to tell you two words that sounded the same, make a memory game out of flashcards (draw the pictures on the flashcard instead of the word), or draw a picture and have your child draw another picture that rhymes with that word (make it easy words star-car, bed-red, shoe-blue, cake-rake).
*Sight words (I, see, the, can, a): You can help your child learn sight words by clapping out each letter in the word, asking them to make a sentence that has a sight word in it, go on a hunt for sight words (use a book or newspaper and let your child highlight or underline the word when they see one), or make a poster with sight words on it and have your child try to swat the word that you call out using a fly swatter. Remember sight words should not be sounded out.

*Name numbers 0-10 /counts orally: You can help your child learn their numbers by going on a hunt for numbers, drawing them in the air, making them in the sand, or ask your child to name the numbers on your phone.
*Match numbers with groups of objects: You can help your child match numbers with groups of objects by having objects in your house in a pile and asking them to put a certain number in another pile, count how many trees they see outside, or play an "I spy" game (I spy three spoons. Can you tell me where they are?).
*Names colors: You can help your child name their colors by playing an "I spy" game (I spy a red toy), everyday ask them what color shirt they are wearing, or using colors ask them to color with a certain color.
*Names day of the week in order: You can help your child name the days of the week in order by asking them every day what day it is, looking at a calendar with them, or asking them to sing the days of the week song that we sing in class.

*Identify the body part that is associated with the 5 senses: You can help your child learn their five senses by popping a bag of popcorn and asking them what it sounds like, what it taste like, what it feels like, what it smells like, and looks like, say a sense and ask your child what body part is associated with the sense, or go on a nature walk outside and practice using your five senses.

Below are pictures of our class in centers. These centers are during Reader's Workshop and help them to learn their skills for the year.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Did you know we have scientists in our classroom?

This week students have been learning what a scientist is and what they do. Today, we went on a nature walk outside our classroom door to observe the ground and objects around us. We also practiced observing objects inside the classroom. Students used magnifying glasses to really SEE what was around them. We looked at blades of grass, ants, cracks in the ground, carpets, rugs, and so much more. For the rest of the week we will be exploring tools that scientists use. We will learn how to observe, measure, record, describe, and sort things just like a scientists does. I am very excited about the many adventures we will have together.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Where is David?

The first day of school students learned our class promise and the rules throughout school. We were reading the story, David Goes to School, when a very important letter fell out of the back of the book. The letter told us that David was seen running through the hallways and we should look for him to explain the rules in the hallway. We looked every where in the hallway and we still couldn't find David. Throughout our tour we learned the rules in the media center, the playground, the office, and the cafeteria. We finally found David and our tour of the school was over. Ask your little one all of the rules they learned.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thank you for coming to orientation

Wow! Thank you very much for coming to orientation. I know it was short and sweet but we will have lots of opportunities to talk. Please bring in supplies as soon as possible. I need the supplies to prepare the classroom. I am very excited about working with all of you. We are going to have a great year. If you need anything please email me at or call me at 745-4919 ext 280.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Supply List

I hope that you are enjoying your summer break. While you're enjoying the sun, please keep in mind that it's just about time to do some shopping for school supplies. I do ask that you purchase all school supplies, as soon as possible. Please do not label any of the supplies with your child’s name as they will be part of community supplies.

All of the supplies can be brought to school as early as the afternoon of our orientation on August 20, at 1:00 pm. Items may be deposited in the labeled baskets that will be set up in the hallway right outside of our classroom so that I can begin to prepare the classroom for the students over the weekend. I have found a lot of the supplies at The Dollar Store, Target, Toys R Us, and Wal Mart. Thank you so much for all that you do!

Kindergarten Grade Supply List - Each child should bring:
  • Backpack without wheels
  • 1 ream of white copy paper
  • 3 boxes of 8 pk. skinny classic color crayons
  • 2 boxes of #2 skinny pencils
  • Package of 6 glue sticks
  • 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
  • 1 bottle of hand soap
  • Boys bring 1 box of gallon size zip lock bags
  • Girls bring 1 box of sandwich zip lock bags
  • 4 folders with three prongs and pockets (RED, ORANGE, BLUE, AND YELLOW SOLID COLORS ONLY. PLASTIC FOLDERS PREFERRED.)

Welcome to kindergarten!

Welcome to our classroom blog. On this blog you will be able to see your children engaged in fun learning experiences, get a peek of the classroom, join us as we grow, play educational games, and so much more. I look forward to sharing with all of you our weekly experiences!