Wednesday, February 23, 2011


What's your child's favorite thing about kindergarten so far? Are they excited to go to first grade? Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you.

Officer Friendly

Officer Friendly stopped by Merrill Road to teach our class about safety. We learned that we are not supposed to talk to strangers, open the door unless our parents tell us to, and to dial 911 in case of an emergency. We also learned about everything Officer Friendly had around his belt, such as his gun, taser, bullets, knife, handcuffs, and walkies. If we ever see any of these items, we know that we are not supposed to touch them without supervision. We got to see a police car and listen to the sirens. Officer Friendly even gave everyone a badge sticker and coloring book to take home. Thank you, Officer Friendly.

Valentine's Day

Students were so excited to receive their Valentines from their friends. We sat in a big circle and made sure to say thank you to each and every friend.

We know how to...

put plane shapes together to make a picture.

This nine weeks students have learned about how to fill in a picture using shapes. The goal was to make the same picture but use different shapes. Look at the amazing pictures we came up with. Way to go mathematicians!

We will be learning what 3D shapes are (sphere, cone, pyramid, rectangular prism, cube, cylinder) within the next few weeks so start practicing with your little one.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

100th Day of School

Hi Ho, Hi Ho
100 days ago,
We came to school
Now we're so cool!
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Hi Ho!
Wow! I can't believe we have been in school for 100 days.

Groundhog Day

Today we learned that Groundhog Day is always on February 2nd. We also learned that if the groundhog comes out and does not see his shadow then Spring is right around the corner. If the groundhog comes out and sees his shadow then there will be six more weeks of Winter. Did you know that Phil the Groundhog did not see his shadow today? That means we should have warm weather soon!!!

We made our very own groundhog today and colored a book about Groundhog Day to take home. Enjoy the pictures below.