Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!! I hope all of you are blessed with happiness. I look forward to seeing all of you again soon. Students return back to school on January 3, 2011. Make sure your little one is prepared to learn. Wiggle those brains, put on those reading glasses, and tune up those listening ears. The second nine weeks is almost over and we still have so much to learn.

Feel free to share what you and your little one did over the break!!! Can't wait to hear from you.

Polar Express Day

Polar Express Day was December 17, 2010. What did we do on Polar Express Day? Students wore their pajamas to school and were given a ticket before entering the classroom. As students walked in the door, Ms. Hawas punched their ticket. They were then given hot chocolate and asked to take a seat on our imaginary train. They sure were shocked when they saw their stockings filled from Santa Claus. Students then stretched out on the carpet and watched the movie,
The Polar Express, with their class. After the movie, students had a pizza party. We then went into three different centers. We put together a reindeer out of popsicle sticks, decorated gingerbread cookies, and made a scene using a train cut out. It was such a fun day and it couldn't have happened without the support from all of you.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Lunch with Ms. Hawas

Students are able to earn coupons in class for excellent behavior. They are able to pick between eating lunch with the teacher, getting a piece of candy, or picking from the treasure box. Below are our first friends who earned a coupon and ate lunch with Ms. Hawas. Keep up the great behavior!!

Social Studies

In Social Studies, students are learning vocabulary words from three different holidays. The holidays we are learning about are Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas.

Hanukkah vocabulary words: menorah, gelt, latkas, dreidle, family
Kwanzaa vocabulary words: Mkekah, Bendara, Kinara, presents, family
Christmas vocabulary words: Santa Claus, Christmas tree, ornament, family, presents

Saturday, December 4, 2010


In science, our little scientist recently learned how to change the shape of materials. Each student was given a piece of paper and aluminum paper. Before changing the shape of the paper and aluminum paper, they were asked to describe how they can change the shape of these items. After students observed and described their materials, they charted their explanations. Students learned that you can change the shape of materials by crumbling, folding, cutting, tearing, and bending.

Santa's Workshop

Santa's Workshop will be open December 6-10. Students that bring in money will be sent to buy a present for whoever was named on the envelope that was provided. A member of the PTA will be helping the students to budget their money as well as pick out gifts appropriate for a certain somebody. Below are some of the items available for students to purchase. Feel free to come to school and preview Room 18.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

December Performance

Wow!! Our class was amazing. I hope you made it out to our performance. I am so proud of our class for singing loud and acting out their movements. Way to go Ms. Hawas' class. Thank you parents for coming and supporting your child and their friends. :)